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Perfharness is a flexible and modular Java package for performance testing of HTTP, JMS, MQ and other transport scenarios. It provides a complete set of transport functionality, as well as many other features such as throttled operation (a fixed rate and/or number of messages), multiple destinations, live performance reporting, JNDI. It is one of the many tools used by performance teams for IBM MQ and IBM Integration Bus in order to conduct tests ranging from a single client to more than 10,000 clients. Customers also use the tool to test their own systems and validate they perform accordingly.

Perfharness has been available in binary form on IBM AlphaWorks for a number of years.

Download the current JDK update that does not include any other software, such as NetBeans IDE or the Java EE SDK. 2CHAPTER 2 67 Java EE 6 Software Development Kit GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 is targeted as the build and runtime environment for the tutorial examples. To build, deploy, and run the examples, you need a copy of the., JAR file, class, query, findJAR, serFISH.

Importing Perfharness into Eclipse.

The top level folders in the repository are Eclipse projects.

  • Download the repository zip file and extract into a temporary directory.
  • Import the projects using the Import Wizard selecting 'Existing Projects into Workspace'.
  • Select the 5 projects and make sure 'Copy projects to workspace' is ticked when importing.

This should result in you having a workspace with the following projects:

Importing Prereqs into Eclipse

Building Perfharness in Eclipse requires some extra dependancies importing to the workspace. Depending on the modules you would like to build please import the following files into the PerfHarnessPrereqs project, these files are either available on the web from Apache or from the respective product installations. JMSPerfharness requires WebSphere MQ8, MQJavaPerfHarness requires WebSphere MQ7 (or above) and the Perfharness and HTTPPerfharness modules have no prereqs

  • IBM_WMQ_7:
    • connector.jar
    • fscontext.jar
    • jms.jar
    • jndi.jar
    • jta.jar
    • ldap.jar
    • providerutil.jar
  • IBM_WMQ_8:
    • jms.jar
  • ant-contrib.jar (Always required)

AMQP Channel Module Pre-reqs

Additional Pre-reqs for AMQP Channel Module

  • The Java AMQP Client required by this module can be download from and selecting 'Download from Maven Central'.Refer to the AMQP Client as further pre-reqs jars are required.

  • The allclient.jar is required from the a MQ V9.0 installation.

  • Copy all of the pre-req jars into /lib of the AMQPPerfharness.

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Running Perfharness within Eclipse

Once you have imported the pre-reqs you are ready to run within Eclipse or compile the jar for using on other machines. If you would like to run perfharness create a new Run Configuration for a Java application. Generally we would recommend running from Eclipse for functional and setup testing but for real performance testing using the jar from the command-line on a server.

Select 'JMSPerfHarnessMain' as the Project and 'JMSPerfHarness' as the Main Class as shown below

On the 'Arguments Tab' insert the appropriate set of program arguments such as (MQ Receiver Example):

Select the Classpath tab, highlight the 'User Entries' section and click the Add button. Add all of the PerfHarness projects to the classpath. This should result in a configuration such as this:

Click 'Run'

Compiling perfharness.jar within Eclipse

There are 4 scripts which can be used to compile Perfharness.jar depending on whether you want all the capability or a specific one. The 4 scripts are:

  • Perfharness/build_all.xml - Used for building the whole package.
  • Perfharness/build_HTTP&TCPIP.xml - Used for building only the http & tcpip modules.
  • Perfharness/build_JMS.xml - Used for building the JMSMQ module.
  • Perfharness/build_MQ.xml - Used for building the MQ module.

To compile perfharness.jar right click the the appropriate .xml file and select 'Run As' then '1 Ant Build'.

This should launch the build process which will produce the jar file perfharness.jar

Sample Commands:

MQ (using IBM MQ classes for JMS) Requestor (preferred way to access MQ):java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -cp /PerfHarness/perfharness.jar JMSPerfHarness -tc jms.r11.Requestor -nt 1 -ss 5 -sc BasicStats -wi 10 -to 3000 -rl 60 -su -wt 10 -dn 1 -mf<yourInputFile> -jh <mq host> -jp 1420 -jc SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN -jb <your qm> -iq REQUEST -oq REPLY -mt text -jt mqc -pc WebSphereMQ -ja 100

MQ (using IBM MQ classes for Java) Requestor:

java -ms512M -mx512M -cp /PerfHarness/perfharness.jar JMSPerfHarness -tc mqjava.Requestor -nt 1 -ss 5 -sc BasicStats -wi 10 -to 3000 -rl 60 -sh false -ws 1 -dn 1 -mf <yourInputFile> -jh localhost -jp 1414 -jb CSIM -jc SYSTEM.BKR.CONFIG -iq CSIM_SERVER_IN_Q -oq CSIM_COMMON_REPLY_Q

HTTP Requestor:

java -ms512M -mx512M -cp /PerfHarness/perfharness.jar JMSPerfHarness -tc http.HTTPRequestor -nt 1 -ss 5 -sc BasicStats -wi 10 -to 3000 -rl 60 -sh false -ws 1 -dn 1 -mf MyInputMessage.xml -jh localhost -jp 7800 -ur 'requestinout'

HTTPS Requestor:

java -ms512M -mx512M -cp /PerfHarness/perfharness.jar JMSPerfHarness -tc http.HTTPRequestor -nt 1 -ss 5 -sc BasicStats -wi 10 -to 3000 -rl 60 -sh false -ws 1 -dn 1 -mf MyInputMessage.xml -jh localhost -jp 7800 -ur 'requestinout' -se true

SOAP Requestor:

java -ms512M -mx512M -cp /PerfHarness/perfharness.jar JMSPerfHarness -tc http.HTTPRequestor -nt 1 -ss 5 -sc BasicStats -wi 10 -to 3000 -rl 60 -sh false -ws 1 -dn 1 -mf <yourInputFile> -jh localhost -jp 7800 -ur 'SoapProvider' -sa SummerSale

TCPIP Requestor:

java -ms512M -mx512M -cp /PerfHarness/perfharness.jar JMSPerfHarness -tc tcpip.TCPIPRequestor -nt 1 -ss 5 -sc BasicStats -wi 10 -to 3000 -rl 60 -sh false -dn 1 -mf MyInputMessage.xml -jh localhost -jp 1455 -rb 1384

Common Flags:


There is a git repo that can help develop a dockerized version of JMSPerfHarness called jmstestp

Additional Information

For more in-depth documentation please refer to the PerfHarness manual in the PerfHarness/docs/ folder.