Sony Realshot Manager Rating: 3,3/5 6042 reviews
Top page for RealShot Manager Advanced. Installer (RealShot Manager Advanced) (Version1.6.5) Installer (RealShot Manager Lite) (Version1.6.5).
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IP-based video security and surveillance offers outstanding performance, features and flexibility when compared with analog CCTV systems. Installation and operational costs can be dramatically reduced, so it's equally applicable to a single surveillance station with local monitoring, as a multi-camera, multi-site operation with remote monitoring.RealShot Manager represents a generation of management software; images are processed, analyzed and archived in real-time, with many automated functions to reliably detect intrusions or incidents.
In addition to the extensive, award-winning features of previous versions, Sony RealShot Manager introduces Intelligent Object Detection (IOD) and Intelligent Motion Detection (IMD). Up to six filters can be configured and set to trigger alarms or perform a variety of other actions, such as locking doors or turning on lights.
Active intelligence means crucial events aren't missed - for example, a suspicious package being left unattended or movement outside of expected patterns. And when an alarm is triggered, an on-screen box appears around the suspicious object or person - making it immediately obvious what has caused the alert situation. These features have the added bonus of minimizing false alarms conventionally triggered by simple repetitive movements.
When combined with the latest range of intelligent Sony surveillance cameras and storage devices, your network will offer state-of-the-art proactive performance.