Beneath The Pyramids Andrew Collins Pdf Viewer Rating: 4,3/5 6877 reviews

To buy BENEATH THE PYRAMIDS, Andrew's new book on the quest to find Giza's cave underworld, from Amazon click here. To buy straight from the publisher, 4th Dimension Press, click here. Secure BENEATH THE PYRAMIDS signed, direct from the author by clicking here.

Article: Beneath Giza:A Reviewof Findings From Under the Giza Plateau(2012)The Giza plateau is composed of limestone, ageological feature which creates natural crevices and pockets in thestone somewhat like Swiss cheese. Perhaps not so strange then that Giza was known anciently as 'Rostau', meaning the'mouth of the passages'. Reports of cavities andunderground tunnels at Giza have circulated for thousands ofyears, and the discovery of several are recorded, but if anunderground complex or hall of records exists, as is suspectedby many, it has thus far remained elusive.

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The following is areview of the known underground chambers and tunnels at Giza.The Limestonepavement surrounding the pyramid complex was built over existingcrevices and holes in the limestone as seen in the picture abovetaken next to the great pyramid.(Photo Credits: EdgarBrothers, Watchtower, 1910)In 2006, a teamled by Abbas Mohamed Abbas, of the National Research Institute ofAstronomy and Geophysics, performed extensive ground penetratingradar (GPR) scans on various sections of the Giza Plateau. The teamdiscovered cavities deep within the bedrock, some down as far as 25metres, with several tunnels at least three to five metres wide. Intheir report, Abbas et al. Speculated that the individualcavities and tunnels might link up and even connect to stillunexplored precious tombs: The results of the survey support thepossibility of the presence of undisclosed relics, of high value.Abbas et al. Concluded:.we can presume the existence of amomentous diversity of archaeological structures at the Pyramidsplateau which remain, as yet, unexposed. (2)The 'Well Shaft' and 'Grotto':The 'Well shaft' is a tunnel thatruns down into the bedrock for over 200 feet beneath the greatpyramid, connecting the upper parts with the lowersubterranean chamber.

It has been proposed tohave been originally cut for several purposes: To provide air for thebuilders, to provide access for repairs to the kings chambers, or asan escape route for the workmen who lowered the granite plugs intoplace or finally, for tomb robbers. All of these theories however, have objections.The Well-shaftwas cut through the natural bedrock beneath the Grotto. As thepyramid was built over it, the Grotto was blocked covered over. Asmall section of lined tunnel was left concealed into the masonry atthe top end, then covered over with a blocking stone. The twosections of the tunnel were connected at a later date by someone whocut roughly through the masonry of the pyramid, gaining access tothe hidden tunnel and upper parts.The Great pyramidwas built with several tunnels and chambers in it, most of which were designedto remain hidden.

Whilst we assume that the major tunnels have been found,rumours still abound that other cavities and tunnels exist to bediscovered within the structure. Mark Lehner on the Sphinx Tunnels: 'We have noticedthat those conducting the remote sensing surveyshave so far reported very little comparison of theirresults with the obvious natural, physical featuresof the Sphinx.

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Take Waseda University'sinterpretation of their 1987 electromagneticsounding data as evidence of a tunnel orientednorth-south under the Sphinx, a water pocket 2.5 to3 m below surface near the south hind paw, andanother cavity near the north hind paw. This is justabout where a very large fissure cuts through theentire Sphinx body, running down through the flooraround the Sphinx, and up through the southern wallof the Sphinx ditch (which is the foundation of theKhafre causeway). The Sphinx restoration team sawparts of this deep fissure when they replaced someof Baraize's masonry on the south hind paw, and whenthe stones fell away from the north hind paw in1981. Baraize filled these gaps in the hind pawswith a great quantity of gray cement. The fissureopens so wide at the top of the Sphinx waist, that aperson can be lowered down into it all the way downto floor level. Baraize put an iron trap door overit'.

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