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Feb 13, 2008  Originally posted by: vital Apparently this playboy Edison Chen who played in the Grudge slept with like a ton of big name hk celebs and took photos of them nude and in sex acts. The photos ended stolen and posted up on the Internet when he brought his laptop to repair and now everyone is waiting for a video of him and Gillian Chung having sex!

The track features an early example of the diabolus in musica in heavy metalProblems playing this file? See.Black Sabbath 's music and lyrics were quite dark for the time. The opening track is based almost entirely on a interval played at slow tempo on the electric guitar. In the 2010 Classic Albums documentary on the making of the band's second album Paranoid, Geezer Butler claims the riff was inspired by 'Mars, the Bringer of War', a movement in Gustav Holst's.

Iommi reinterpreted the riff slightly and redefined the band's direction. Ward told Classic Albums, 'When Oz sang 'What is this that stands before me?' It became completely different.this was a different lyric now, this was a different feel. I was playing drums to the words.' The song's lyrics concern a 'figure in black' which bassist Geezer Butler claims to have seen after waking up from a nightmare.

In the liner notes to the band's 1998 live album the bassist remembers:I'd been raised a Catholic so I totally believed in the Devil. There was a weekly magazine called that I started reading which was all about Satan and stuff. That and books by and, especially The Devil Rides Out.

I'd moved into this flat I'd painted black with inverted crosses everywhere. Ozzy gave me this 16th Century book about magic that he'd stolen from somewhere.

I put it in the airing cupboard because I wasn't sure about it. Later that night I woke up and saw this black shadow at the end of the bed. It was a horrible presence that frightened the life out of me! I ran to the airing cupboard to throw the book out, but the book had disappeared. After that I gave up all that stuff. It scared me shitless.Similarly, the lyrics of the song 'N.I.B.'

Are written from the point of view of, who falls in love with a human woman and 'becomes a better person' according to lyricist Butler. Contrary to popular belief, the name of that song is not an abbreviation for; according to Osbourne's autobiography it is merely a reference to drummer Bill Ward's pointed at the time, which was shaped as a pen-nib. The lyrics of two other songs on the album were written about stories with mythological themes.

'Behind the Wall of Sleep' is a reference to the H. Lovecraft short story, while ' was inspired by the character of from. The latter includes harmonica performed by Osbourne.

The band also recorded a cover of ', a song that had been an American hit for the band. In his autobiography, Iommi admits the band reluctantly agreed to do the song at the behest of their manager Jim Simpson, who insisted they record something commercial.Artwork. Alex Dmochowski. Victor Hickling. John Moorshead10:281996 CD reissue bonus trackNo.TitleLength8.' Wicked World'4:472009 Deluxe Edition of European version, disc twoNo.TitleLength1.' Wicked World' (Single, TF1067)4:442.'

Black Sabbath' (Studio )6:223.' Black Sabbath' 6:134.' The Wizard' (Studio outtake)4:465.' Behind the Wall of Sleep' (Studio outtake)3:416.'

(Instrumental (even though it's said to be an instrumental, it's a complete song with vocals, so it should be listed as an outtake))6:087.' Evil Woman' (Alternative version)3:478.'

Sleeping Village' (Intro)3:459.' Warning' (Part 1)6:58North American Edition Side oneNo.TitleLength1.' Black Sabbath'6:202.' The Wizard'4:223.' Wasp / Behind the Wall of Sleep / Bassically / N.I.B.' 9:44Side twoNo.TitleWriter(s)Length4.'

Wicked World'4:475.' A Bit of Finger / Sleeping Village / Warning'. Iommi. Butler. Ward. Osbourne / Dunbar.

Dmochowski. Hickling. Moorshead14:152004 reissue bonus trackNo.TitleLength6.' Evil Woman' (L. Weigand, Wagner)3:252016 Deluxe Edition of North American version, disc twoNo.TitleLength1.' Evil Woman'3:252.' Black Sabbath' (Studio )6:223.'

Black Sabbath' 6:134.' The Wizard' (Studio outtake)4:465.' Behind the Wall of Sleep' (Studio outtake)3:416.' Evil Woman' (Alternative version)3:478.'

Sleeping Village' (Intro)3:459.' Warning' (Part 1)6:58Original North American Warner Bros. Records pressings of Black Sabbath quote incorrect running times for 'Wicked World' and the 'Warning' medley (4:30 and 14:32, respectively). These pressings also credit the album's original songs using the band members' given names: Anthony Iommi, John Osbourne, Terence Butler, and William Ward. The edition of 1986 also featured a live version of 'Tomorrow's Dream' as bonus track.Disc two of the Deluxe Editions contains 'N.I.B. Audi bns 5.0 download.

(studio out-take)' with vocals which is incorrectly listed 'N.I.B. (instrumental)'.Personnel Black Sabbath. – guitar.

– bass. – drums. – vocals, harmonica on 'The Wizard'Production. – production, on 'Sleeping Village'. –. Barry Sheffield – engineering.

–, photographyCertifications RegionCertification/salesCanada Gold50,000 ^United Kingdom Gold100,000 ^United States Platinum1,000,000 ^.sales figures based on certification alone^shipments figures based on certification aloneNotes. ^ Kolsterman, Chuck; Mlner, Greg; Pappademas, Alex (April 2003). Retrieved 20 January 2014. ^, p. 10. William Irwin, Black Sabbath and Philosophy: Mastering Reality (Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012),. ^, chapter 16 - Black Sabbath records Black Sabbath.

^ Wells, David (2009). 'Black Sabbath (1970)'. Black Sabbath (CD Booklet). ^, p. 169. Black, Johnny (14 March 2009). Archived from on 5 March 2012.

Retrieved 7 September 2013., p. 38. ^. ^. Retrieved 28 June 2014. ^ Stagno, Mike (15 August 2006).

Retrieved 7 September 2013. ^.

Retrieved 7 September 2013., pp. 263–234., chapter 14 - The early birds catch the first songs. Black Sabbath Story Vol. 3 November 1992., p. 99. Neeley, Wendell (26 April 2005). Metal Sludge.

Archived from on 15 November 2013. Retrieved 7 September 2013. ^ Grow, Kory (13 February 2020). Rolling Stone. Retrieved 14 February 2020., p. 103., chapter 17 - Now under new management.

The Official Charts Company. 17 September 2013., p. 82. Retrieved 7 September 2013. Ruhlmann, William. Retrieved 14 February 2008.

Retrieved 14 February 2008. ^ (1981). Retrieved 4 January 2019. (2011). 'Black Sabbath'.

(5th ed.)., p. 1187. ^. Archived from on 6 March 2011.

Retrieved 4 June 2012. Retrieved 21 May 2013. (17 September 1970). Retrieved 6 September 2009. (19 November 1970). Retrieved 22 October 2012.

Marsh, Pete. Retrieved 20 January 2014. (21 January 1989). 'Black Sabbath 'Black Sabbath '. London, UK: Spotlight Publications Ltd.

222., p. 183. 'Best Metal Albums of All Time'. August 2000. Rolling Stone. 6 April 2009. Retrieved 20 May 2013. Grow, Kory (21 June 2017).

Wenner Media LLC. Retrieved 22 June 2017. Robert Dimery; Michael Lydon (7 February 2006). 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die: Revised and Updated Edition. Universe. As per the album labels from the original North American LP release of Black Sabbath, Warner Bros. Records, catalog no.

WS 1871, released June 1970. Select albums in the Format field. Select Gold in the Certification field. Type Black Sabbath in the 'Search BPI Awards' field and then press Enter. If necessary, click Advanced, then click Format, then select Album, then click SEARCH.Bibliography.

Gothic Chic: A Connoisseur's Guide to Dark Culture. London:.

George-Warren, Holly, ed. The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock and Roll (2005 ed.). Fireside. Graff, Gary; Durchholz, Daniel (1999). Emmure full discography torrent. Visible Ink Press.

Huey, Steve. Retrieved 31 July 2014.; Lammers, T. (11 December 2012).

Cambridge, Massachusetts:. (1994). Guinness Book of Top 1000 Albums (1 ed.). Gullane Children's Books. Levy, Joe, ed.

(First Paperback ed.). Wenner Books. Archived from on 12 February 2009. (January 2010). New York:.

Rosen, Steven (1996). The Story of Black Sabbath: Wheels of Confusion. Wagner, Jeff (2010).Further reading.