Intellution Software Key Rating: 3,5/5 9397 reviews

The only place to get the information you desire is from the installation CD, I last bought a copy about 2 years ago, don't know if they still sell it. It was obsolete then, but you could still buy it. If you contact a local dist. They may let you have a copy. If you have specific question, post them here and I may be able to help.

Where to find Guide to Intellution Fix 7.0? Fix32 up to V6 used to come with an applet called KEYDIAG.exe which allowed you to view information on your key. I have checked the V7 CD and this does not seem to be present but it still seems to work on a V7 installation. And thus they are here to exchange knowledge. And it's now uneasy to. Key Features & Benefits. And consists of multiple software modules like the GE Intellution iFix Software, Win 911 for alarming, Drivers for communicating with RF Base stations and Netpacs and the User Application Software. All the data from the sensor modules, application configuration information, audit trail, security information is.

I am currently supporting several Fix32 installations. In fact I prefer it to the newer iFix. If they would port it to WinXP and add OPC support, I would use it for new installations. IFix has much better graphics, but IMHO Fix32 is much more robust, and easier to maintain. Hi Thanks for the help. I have no idea about Fix32, and dont want to invest much time into it because it's obsolete and my laptop is WinXp, not Win32 or Win2000. But now I'm requested to do some work on an existing Fix32, e.g translating pages currenly in Japanese into English, fixing connection problems.

I already have Fix CD and have installed it into my laptop. Some questions: 1- What files make up an HMI project? I need to find existing HMI project files to do the work, or at least, I have to open the master files in Designer, then open other files in that window 2- How to read the I/O count that a dongle supports? 3- FIX32 can only be installed on WinNT? Can it be run on Win2000, WInXP or Win98,?

4- How are the user project files located? They are grouped into a separate folder that user can set? What file extension? I found a folder called Sample on Setup CD that has.cmp files inside. Is.cmp project files? 5- How to add driver for OMRON PLC Hostlink? Thanks for your help.

Fix32 ver 7.0 was ported from NT to Win2000, I am currently running it on three NT 4.0 SP6 machines, and one running Win2000. I know of others that are running it on WinXP, but that was never officially blessed, and I don't know if there are special tweaks to make it work. As for Win98, I never tried it, but it should work fine.

Win98 wasn't stable enough for the work place. If the defaults were used at installation, there should be a 'C:FIX32' directory on the hard drive, this directory will contain everything needed. That's one of the things I like about Fix32, everything is located in one place, easy to backup, just copy the one directory. You can copy that directory from the existing machine and place it on a second machine, and it will work. Launch Draw.exe, open up one of the existing pictures, click on one of the dynamics and it will open a popup, from there you can determine what point in the database it is tied to. From within Draw you can also launch the database builder and the driver configuration.

Look at the menu bars across the top. The only way I know to check the number of tags supported is to call the Intellution dealer, if you give them the number off the dongle, they can tell you who bought it, when, and what kind of license it is. If you only have a run time license, you can remove the dongle before starting the machine, then start it up, start up fix. You will get a notice saying no license present, select DEMO mode, you can now use the development environment for two hours. If security has been implemented you will need the user name and password of someone with admin rights.

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If you can't find that out PM me, there is a built in account with admin rights, that many people never alter, and this may be true with this system as well. Fix32 does not support OPC, (one of it's draw backs) you will have to obtain the OMRON driver from either Intellution or a third party.

The drivers are installed as part of the installation. If you have to add additional drivers, you have to re-run the installation disk, at one point it will prompt you for additional drivers. If you read the electronic manuals that come with the install disk, they are pretty good, they can answer almost all the questions you posted here. I know that no one likes reading the manual, but sometimes you just have to. I believe that is the case here. Thanks Ken for the answer, I still have some questions: 1- Project files: According to your answer, all project files are in C:Fix32 (if that's the installation folder).

So, if you want to copy files of just a project, where to find it because C:Fix32 also contains main executables and other things not needed for the project 2- Launching project: Fix32 doenst have a master project file like in other HMI or programming package? So you have to open one of the project file or screen file (what extension?), and trace from there? 3- Tags If we cant determine ourselves the I/O count the dongle can support, we must do some manual work of reading the serial part number? It leads me to a speculation that, dongle doenst contain built-in I/O count, instead, Fix sales office will associate DOngle serial with a license number to determine the I/O count 4- Driver I've obtained an additional driver from Intellution and added it. Can you guide me to configure it? 5- Manual Actually, what set me back is Intellution manual. I found many terms they used were quite difficult to understand, compared to other HMI soft like Cimplicity, Citect, WinCC.

Many thanks for the help. This is the first Thanksgiving Holiday week end I’ve had off in years, so I’m posting this from home.

I don’t have a copy of Fix on hand, but I have it on my work laptop, and I will have to take a look to refresh my memory. I don’t work with it every day, and it sometimes takes me a couple of minutes to get back up to speed. So The following information if from memory and may not be exactly correct. The Fix32 directory has sub-directories for each type of information.

The displays end with a.pic extension. There is an executable under called either sbu or sdu, can’t remember off hand.

If you run this, it will show the path’s to all the required files. I still think the best thing to do is copy the entire Fix32 directory from the current machine, onto your laptop. Then launch the Fix32 start up. Once that is running in most cases it will automatically launch the Fix View application, from within View, if you right click anywhere on the display, you will have the option to launce DRAW, click on that.

This will launch draw with the current display already open. From Draw you can access everything else except the historian. If you’re still having problems next week, post back, and I’ll try to give you a hand. I can’t give you any help with the OMRON driver, I’ve only used TI and AB with Fix32. It can’t be that difficult though. What kind of driver is it?

Ethernet, serial, something else? Thanks Ken for spending your valuable holiday time on the matter. I also did things similar to your guide, but some time back and now I dont remember exactly now. I digged around Fix32 folder to find the project files I'm interested in. After all, I copied every thing in that folder to my laptop to study it, although I found it very strange & redundant to do so. If I'm not wrong, U must specify some thing as the startup, say a startup project, because it's common to have numerous projects already on the machine. So how to put the project in question to the startup list?

The driver I got is serial HostLink. I also find it quite strange when Fix cant tell user how many I/O points they have purchased and available. PLCer The startup list for Fix32 is set up in the system configuration utility (SCU.EXE). Each 'Project' must be set up as a seperate Fix Node. The files are normally all stored in the same Fix directories but you will usually only have to move the database file (PDF), driver configurations and picture files (ODF) from your development machine to your runtime machines. (Plus tag group files if you use them) Fix32 up to V6 used to come with an applet called KEYDIAG.exe which allowed you to view information on your key.

I have checked the V7 CD and this does not seem to be present but it still seems to work on a V7 installation. Andybr KEYDIAG.EXE. If you try the steps listed earlier in this thread, you will find out what you need, yet you keep trying tu use methods from other SCADA packages, that just won't work with Fix32. Fix32 is an old package, first developed for DOS, then modified over the years to work with Windows 3.11, 95, NT, Win2k. It doesn't have the nice to haves of the newer packages. You don't seem willing to follow advice or put forth any real effort, so I give up.

Maybe this task is beyond your level of expertise. If so, I'm sure your Intellution dealer can recommend someone to help you out. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more assistance, but I just don't have the time or patience, it's always been one of my shortcomings. Well I called about that today, Fix32 is around 15-20% higher, they are using price to get people to migrate to iFix.

The problem has always been that there wasn't an easy migration path. However, according to the local guy, there is now something called Fix for Desktop, that allows you to change to the iFix engine, and still use all you old Fix32 scripts, graphics etc. Complete coversion and back up in running in 1/2 a day or less.

Then you can slowly (as you have time) migrate the graphics and so forth, cost about $300.00 per node as an option. I'll be getting some info on it and will post my findings. Hi Ken U must accept that the experience of users is varied, and thus they are here to exchange knowledge. And it's now uneasy to find good support for this old software. Even when I asked Intellution rep, the answer is still far from satisfactory. Such as Intellution rep forgot about KEYDIAG.exe, but an advice from Andybr is valuable.

Even if U gave valuable advice (in your knowledge), users here still have to filter out the good things from the bad. Anyway, I'll try the advices from all of you.

. September 05, 2007. GE Digital.CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, SEPTEMBER 5, 2007 GE Fanuc Automation announced Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX 4.5, providing comprehensive monitoring, control and data management for companies worldwide. This new version of the industry-leading visualization product addresses a wide range of customer-identified needs including advanced reliability to improved ease of use, while adding more power and flexibility. Proficy Change Management version 5.7, also announced today, in combination with iFIX allows users to gain control over changes to their iFIX systems, enhances security, helps manage the application development Life Cycle and provides the ability to recover quickly from disasters.

Enhancements in this latest release provide even more detailed reporting capabilities to ensure the system integrity is maintained. “Proficy HMI/SCADA – iFIX 4.5 delivers a wide range of features and benefits to address virtually every market and class of user, from end user customers to the largest OEMs,” said Prasad Pai, iFIX Product Manager for GE Fanuc. “We focused on making both infrastructure improvements, customer requested usability updates, and added some exciting new capabilities.” iFIX 4.5 supports operation on the Microsoft Windows Vista™ operating system. The software automatically adopts the latest operating system look and feel throughout all of its applications and dialogs. In addition to integration with its Proficy Change Management and Microsoft Windows Vista support, other major enhancements in iFIX 4.5 include:. Dynamo Versioning.

Intellution Software Key

With iFIX 4.5, Dynamos are given names, version numbers and descriptions. IFIX 4.5 delivers tools to update Dynamos in pictures or across applications. As a Dynamo is updated in the library, it is updated for use across applications automatically. Multiple Display Instances. With iFIX 4.5, you can have multiple instances of a display open, each displaying unique data through the use of Tag Groups. These displays can be opened in different screen locations facilitating the use with Multi-Monitors.

Double Precision Math in the iFIX Process Database. The iFIX Process Database can now deliver 15 digits of data precision for all internal calculations and data use. Backward compatibility will be achieved with existing systems while enabling newer iFIX nodes to leverage the new data precision. Support for up to 200 clients connected to one SCADA Node. This is a doubling of our previous capability of 100 Clients. These are impressive numbers and we test to these levels. Better OPC Integration and Certification.

Integrating OPC with the Process Database is now easier and users can browse OPC Client Driver Tags right from an iFIX block. “iFIX 4.5 is just what the customers ordered,” continued Pai. “We took their input and provided more power, more flexibility, Change Management functionality and integration, and much more. This HMI/SCADA product should not only meet, but exceed their expectations.” Seamless Management and HMI Tracking Proficy Change Management 5.7 provides improvements to Machine Edition integration, HMI/SCADA support, and improved third party PLC support. Version 5.7 allows schedule upload and compare capability for the GE Fanuc PAC controllers allowing automated backup of the logic and data in the PLC, as well as the ability to compare the PLC to the master version on the Change Management Server. The scheduled compare capability is key to detecting unauthorized changes and backup ensures that users have an updated copy of their PLC programs in the event of a disaster. According to Craig Resnick, Research Director, ARC Advisory Group, “Automation solution suppliers that offer change management as part of their HMI software suite are providing manufacturers with a tool to enable seamless management and tracking of HMI software changes at both the component and application levels, as well as specific change histories within the development environment.

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Change management software is a key component in enabling synchronization between all levels of the plant, and plays a key role in standardization and collaborative operations management, which aids in transparency across business levels. Interoperability also puts change management software in a critical role, managing a multitude of software in need of upgrade due to security, monitoring, and optimization.” The new Proficy Change Management 5.7 strengthens an important component of GE Fanuc’s Proficy software suite of products.

It helps users meet key uptime metrics and turns manufacturing processes into a competitive advantage. With powerful capabilities including security, version management audit trails, central storage and automated backup and recovery, Proficy Change Management ensures that automation systems continue running safely and efficiently. Both Proficy HMI/SCADA iFIX 4.5 and Proficy Change Management 5.7 are available immediately. About GE Fanuc Automation GE Fanuc Automation Corporation, a joint venture between General Electric (NYSE: GE) and FANUC LTD of Japan, delivers automation hardware and software designed to help users reduce costs, increase efficiency and enhance profitability. With solutions and services for virtually every industrial segment, GE Fanuc Automation provides a diverse array of capabilities and products, including controllers, embedded systems, advanced software, motion control, CNCs, operator interfaces, industrial computers, and lasers.

Headquartered in Charlottesville, VA, GE Fanuc Automation is a part of GE Enterprise Solutions and combines the diverse global strengths of the GE family with the local presence customers need to design, develop and maintain their automation investments.