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Chapter 9: Methods for the DataWindow ControlDescribe DescriptionReports the values of properties of a DataWindow object andcontrols within the DataWindow object. Each column and graphic controlin the DataWindow has a set of properties (listed in ). You specify oneor more properties as a string, and Describe returnsthe values of the properties.Describe can also evaluate expressionsinvolving values of a particular row and column.

When you include Describe’s Evaluate functionin the property list, the value of the evaluated expression is includedin the reported information. Applies toDataWindow typeMethod applies toPowerBuilderDataWindow control, DataWindowChild object, DataStoreobjectWebServer componentWeb ActiveXDataWindow control, DataWindowChild objectSyntaxPowerBuilder, Web DataWindow, and Web ActiveXstring dwcontrol. Describe ( string propertylist )ArgumentDescriptiondwcontrolA reference to a DataWindow control,DataStore, or child DataWindow.propertylistA string whose value is a blank-separatedlist of properties or Evaluate functions.For a list of valid properties, seeReturnsReturns a string that includes a value for each property or Evaluate function.A newline character (n or n) separates the value of eachitem in propertylist.If the property list contains an invalid item, Describe returnsan exclamation point (!) for that item and ignores the rest of theproperty list. Describe returns a question mark(?) if there is no value for a property.When the value of a property contains an exclamation pointor a question mark, the value is returned in quotes so that youcan distinguish between the returned value and an invalid item ora property with no value.If any argument’s value is null, in PowerBuilderand JavaScript the method returns null. UsageUse Describe to understand the structureof a DataWindow. For example, you can find out which bands the DataWindowuses and what the datatypes of the columns are. You can also use Describe tofind out the current value of a property and use that value to makefurther modifications.Describe is often used to obtain the DataWindow’s SELECT statementin order to modify it (for example, by adding a WHERE clause).

When you can obtain the DataWindow’s SQL statementWhen you use the Select painter to graphically create a SELECT statement, PowerBuildersaves its own SELECT statement (called a PBSELECT statement),and not a SQL SELECT statement,with the DataWindow definition.When you call Describe with the propertyTable.Select, it returns a SQL SELECT statement onlyif you are connected to the database. If you are not connectedto the database, Describe returns a PBSELECT statement.Property syntax The syntax for a property in the property list is: controlname. PropertyFor the types of controls in a DataWindowand their properties with examples, seeProperties whose value is a list When a property returns a list, the tab character separatesthe values in the list. For example, the Bands property reportsall the bands in use in the DataWindow as a list.headertabdetailtabsummarytabfootertabheader.1tabtrailer.1If the first character in a property’s returned valuelist is a quotation mark, it means the whole list is quoted andany quotation marks within the list are single quotation marks.For example, the following is a single property value.' Studenttab 'Andrew 'or 'newlineAndy ' 'Specifying special characters There are different ways of specifying special charactersin a string in each environment: Table 9-1: Specifying special characters in different environmentsCharacterPowerBuilderJavaScripttabttnewlinennsingle quote ’ ’double quote'Quoted property values Describe returns a property’svalue enclosed in quotes when the text would otherwise be ambiguous.For example, if the property’s value includes a questionmark, then the text is returned in quotes.

A question mark withoutquotes means that the property has no value.Column name or number When the control is a column, you can specify the column nameor a pound sign (#) followed by the column number. For example,if salary is column 5, then 'salary.coltype' is equivalent to '#5.coltype'.Control names The DataWindow painter automatically gives names to all controls.(In previous versions of PowerBuilder, the painter only named columnsand column labels.)Evaluating an expression Describe’s Evaluate functionallows you to evaluate DataWindow painter expressions within a scriptusing data in the DataWindow. Evaluate has the following syntax,which you specify for propertylist.Evaluate ( ' expression', rownumber )Expression is the expression you wantto evaluate and rownumber is the number ofthe row for which you want to evaluate the expression. The expressionusually includes DataWindow painter functions. For example, in thefollowing statement, Describe reports either255 or 0 depending on the value of the salary column in row 3:lsret = dw1.Describe( &'Evaluate('If(salary 100000, 255, 0)', 3)')You can call DataWindow control functions in a script to getdata from the DataWindow, but some painter functions (such as LookUpDisplay)cannot be called in a script. Using Evaluate isthe only way to call them.

(See the example.)Sample property values To illustrate the types of values that Describe reports, considera DataWindow called dwemp with one group level. Its columnsare named emp and empname, and its headers are named emphand empnameh. The following table shows several propertiesand the returned value.

Powerbuilder 12 Datawindow To Pdf

In the first example below, a sample commandshows how you might specify these properties for Describe and whatit reports. Table 9-2: Examples of return values for Describe methodPropertyReported valuedatawindow.Bandsheadertabdetailtabsummarytabfootertabheader.1tabtrailer.1datawindow.Objectsemptabempnametabemphtabempnamehemp.Typecolumnempname.Typecolumnempnameh.Typetextemp.Coltypechar(20)state.Type! Indicates an invalid item—thereis no column named state)empnameh.Visible?Examples PowerBuilder examplesThis example calls Describe with some ofthe properties shown in the previous table. The reported values(formatted with tabs and newlines) follow.

Note that because stateis not a column in the DataWindow, state.type returns an exclamationpoint (!):string lsrequest, lsreportlsrequest = 'DataWindow.Bands DataWindow.Objects '&+ 'empnameh.Text ' &+ 'empnameh.Type emp.Type emp.Coltype ' &+ 'state.Type empname.Type empnameh.Visible'lsreport = dw1. Describe(lsrequest)Example 2Describe sets the value of lsreport tothe following string:headertdetailtsummarytfootertheader.1ttrailer.1N emptempnametemphtempnamehN 'EmployeeRNName'N textN columnNchar(20)N!Example 3These statements check the datatype of the columnnamed salary before using GetItemNumber to obtainthe salary value:string lsdatatypeinteger liratelsdatatype = dw1. Describe('salary.ColType')IF lsdatatype = 'number' THENlirate = dw1.GetItemNumber(5, 'salary')ELSE. // Some processingEND IFExample 4Column name or number This statement finds out the column type of the current column,using the column name:s = This. Describe(This.GetColumnName+ '.ColType')Example 5For comparison, this statement finds out the samething, using the current column’s number:s = This. Describe('#' + String(This.GetColumn) &+ '.ColType')Example 6Scrolling and the current row This example, as part of the DataWindow control’sScrollVertical event, makes the first visible row the current rowas the user scrolls through the DataWindow:s = This. Describe('DataWindow.FirstRowOnPage')IF IsNumber(s) THEN This.SetRow(Integer(s))Example 7Evaluating the display value of a DropDownDataWindow This example uses Describe’s Evaluate functionto find the display value in a DropDownDataWindow column calledstatecode.

You must execute the code after theItemChanged event, so that the value the user selected has becomethe item value in the buffer. This code is the script of a customuser event called getdisplayvalue:string rownumber, displayvaluerownumber = String(dw1.GetRow)displayvalue = dw1. Describe( &'Evaluate('LookUpDisplay(statecode) ', ' &+ rownumber + ')')Example 8This code, as part of the ItemChanged event’sscript, posts the getdisplayvalue event:dw1.PostEvent('getdisplayvalue')Example 9Assigning null values based on the column’sdatatype The following excerpt from the ItemError event script of aDataWindow control allows the user to blank out a column and moveto the next column. For columns with datatypes other than string,the user cannot leave the value empty (which is an empty stringand does not match the datatype) without the return code. Data androw are arguments of the ItemError event:string ss = This.

Describe(This.GetColumnName &+ '.Coltype')CHOOSE CASE sCASE 'number'IF Trim(data) = ' THENinteger nullnumSetNull(nullnum)This.SetItem(row, &This.GetColumn, nullnum)RETURN 3END IFCASE 'date'IF Trim(data) = ' THENdate nulldateSetNull(nulldate)This.SetItem(row, &This.GetColumn, nulldate)RETURN 3END IF. // Additional cases for other datatypesEND CHOOSESee also.