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Hello,I am using psspy.dyrenew to load the generator, exciter, governor, and relay models into PSS/E. I am getting a warning message in the command line output as follows: Generator models use:CONS 1- 140STATES 1- 60Excitation System models use:CONS 141- 280STATES 61- 100VARS 1- 10Turbine Governor models use:CONS 281- 350STATES 101- 130VARS 11- 20LINE RELAY MODEL Connection tables full-use pack models functionSUMMARY OF MODELS READ:GENS: GENROU10EXSYS: IEEET110GOVS: IEEEG210RELAY: TIOCR12NEXT AVAILABLE ADDRESSES ARE:CON STATE VAR ICON365 131 24 16Only PSS/E supplied models in case. Compilation is not requiredLINE RELAY MODEL TABLES ALREADY PACKED:Connections from Branches to Models: 1(Old) 1(New) 1(Maximum)Pointers from Models to Data: 1(Old) 1(New) 2(Maximum)Here is what I do not understand:. Under 'models use' it does not list any of the relay models, but in 'models read' it lists both relays. The output suggests to fix the problem with the 'Pack models function'. I found and used psspy.rlmodpack but it does not seem to do anything to fix the issue.
If I use 1 relay model I do not get this message vs. 1 relay model, the functionality of all the relays go away (even the first one that did work).
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Psse lists the next available con, state, var, icon addresses, but apparently they cannot be used?Eventually I would like to load about 50 relay models to the dynamic working case. I am modeling the old case 39 New England, and I feel like PSS/E should easily be able to do this. (Though I am new to PSS/E).If anyone has any insight into what I am doing wrong that would be appreciated.
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BTW - I am using the PSSE33 Free University version. I am starting to think that I have simply found a limitation of the free version (the number of dynamic models you can initialize). But then again they claim the only limit to the university version is initialization to.